In 1988, a lost soul invited Pastor Juanita West to start a mission in Elon College, NC. After much prayer and fasting, God confirmed that it was His will. A small vacant building on the corner of Short Street and Ball Park Rd in Elon College, NC was chosen for the future site of Miracle Temple. Through perseverance and much travail, Miracle Temple was born April 14, 1989. Pastor West and the members, as God would lead, of the Temple of the Living Epistle, Inc., Washington, DC would travel to North Carolina to hold services. She would testify to us of how she would lay on the floor of Miracle Temple and pray for souls. In May 1990, the first Annual Holy Convocation was held at Miracle Temple. As time progressed, Pastor West would continue to drive over 300 miles to North Carolina to “Win the lost at any cost.” God continued to touch hearts and change lives through her love ministry. She used every God given opportunity to minister an encouraged the members to do the same. She taught through the anointing and power of God. Not only did God send members, he sent members with a hunger and thirst for righteousness and holiness. God also knew that one day that her work on this earth would be complete. When she grew ill an unable to travel, God in his infinite wisdom had already positioned Bishop Robert E. Harris to lead the church and to continue in the way of holiness. While Bishop Harris and his wife were visiting Washington, DC they received a prophetic word that “God was going to give you a place.” Indoor facilities and room for growth was a need that God would supply.
God called Rev. Dr. Juanita West home April 10, 2013. After humbly serving for eight years in a Pastoral role, Bishop Harris was installed as Pastor of Miracle Temple, Elon now in Burlington, NC and Emmanuel, Martinsville VA in 2014.
We are thankful for “The Move God promised.”